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Contact Our Counselors

Stephanie Harris, K-2 Counselor

615-754-6300, Ext. 5103

Caitlyn Jeffries, 3-5 Counselor

615-754-6300, Ext. 5194



Professional School Counselor:  ASCA National Model

Direct Student Services

  • Standards-based, developmentally appropriate counseling curriculum for academic, personal/social and career development of all students.
  • Assisting students to set personal goals and develop future plans
  • Responsive services via small group and individual counseling to meet students' immediate needs and concerns.

Indirect Student Services

  • Referrals to other professionals or community agencies.
  • Consultation and collaboration with other counselors, administrators, teachers, parents, community partners.

Program Management & School Support

  • Management and accountability tasks and fair-share responsibilities.


Vision Statement:

The vision of the Wilson County K-8 School Counseling program is to support a school climate in which each student is valued and their developmental needs are considered whilst providing an
opportunity to learn in a safe environment. The K-8 School Counselor shall manage their School Counseling program and services by using data to make informed decisions and follow ethical practices.

Mission Statement:

The mission of our School Counseling program is to deliver comprehensive, differentiated, and data-driven services to reach all students, which allows students to attain skills and fosters necessary attitudes for academic, career, and social emotional success.


The school counselor believes through the Counseling Program that:


Mental Health Counseling Providers

Tutoring Information